Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another Take On Valentine's Day...

In celebration in Valentine's Day, Lori Bryant-Woolridge, author Hitts & Mrs. and Read Between the Lies, shares tips on how to 'host' a red hot night -- from invitations to decadent dining ideas. These are straight out of Weapons Of Mass Seduction, her part flirt-manual, part fiction novel that drops on April 17.

Mark your calendars: Lori will be joining us on The Book Squad on Friday, April 20.

And now, here are Lori's Rules for Creating A Red Hot Night

'Tis the season for creating Red Hot Nights for romance and I thought I'd pass on some red hot rules for sensual entertaining. Every Weapon of Mass Seduction knows that:

1) To Thine Own Self Be True. At the core of a truly sensual woman is confidence in her authentic self. The evening you create should be driven first by your own comfort and enjoyment.

2) Senses Rule. Every aspect of your special evening should be planned according to your senses. Every sight, sound, smell, taste and touch should be pleasurable.

3) Anticipation is Everything. Stay one step ahead. Maintain the mystery and you'll surely maintain your lover's interest (and gratitude)!

4) Drown Yourself in Pleasure. Not libations or food. You will negate all of your hard work and pleasure if you allow yourself or your lover to drink or eat too much.

5) Be Flexible. Anticipation will bring your evening alive. Expectations will kill it. Remember one of the joys of living a sensual life is living in the moment and reveling in life as it comes. Plan your evening and then see where it takes you.A Red Hot Night is an amazing way to celebrate Valentines or a birthday or anniversary, but what makes a night like this really hot, is when it comes out of the blue for no reason other than to make your lover feel special.

Visit for more sensual living (and loving) tips.

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